The ODMHA, in cooperation with ODHA and Ottawa Senators and other partners have used, donated, equipment available for players in need. The equipment has been examined and sorted by sizes and is available to any player who needs it. The equipment is in a storage facility in the Orleans area and one of our Executive members lives nearby. Contatt Andy Baird at 613 824-2074 or if you wish, we can be reached in our office at or 613 224-3589
U18 B U18 4 vs. Embrun 2 0 Sunday April 2 U15 B U15 5 vs. Casselman 2 4 Sunday April 2 U13 B U13 B1 2 vs. EPR 6 Sunday April 2 U11 B EPR 5 vs. U11 B1 1 Sunday April 2 U18 B Casselman 2 vs. U18 4 Saturday April 1 U13 B U13 B1 2 vs. Embrun 1 Saturday April 1 U15 B U15 3 vs. Rockland 1 2 Saturday April 1 U18 B U18 4 vs. EPR 2 Tuesday March 28 U15 B Rockland 2 1 vs. U15 1 Sunday March 26 U11 C U11 B2 0 vs. St-Isidore 4 Sunday March 26
Upcoming Games
U15 B U15 vs. St-Isidore @ CIH Arena - pad 2 Saturday March 29, 11:15 am