Executive Details

Dominic Yelle
Ice Director

Email: castoricedirector@gmail.com

Roles/Responsibilities 2 Year Term

Recommend one person to assist him/her in his/her task; 

• Obtain the necessary ice time and distribute equitably to all teams; 

• Approve the ice time for exhibition games; 

• Approve the record of all ice time used for each team under the jurisdiction of the Minor Hockey Association; 

• Develop a schedule and organize all play-off games required in collaboration with the District 3 Representative; 

• Within 5 days of receiving the monthly ice invoice from the City, verify and review the hours, report any discrepancies to the City for correction; 

• Inform the treasurer of the monthly payment amount; 

• Inform the Tournament Director of dates/times allocated for Association sanctioned tournaments; • Plan ahead for the next season; 

• Inform any changes of games to the Time Keeper Director; 

• Attend all meetings of the Executive Committee as a voting member.