Executive Details
Share Steve LacroixFundraising/Tournament Co-ordinator
Castorfundirector@gmail.comRoles/Responsibilities 1 Year Term
• Coordinate all fundraising activities for the Association;
• Act as the liaison between the team fundraising activities and the Executive Committee;
• Establish (document) acceptable guidelines for fundraising activities for the Association and for all teams, and have them approved by the Executive Committee;
• Be responsible for the organization of the annual banquet;
• Appoint individuals to help with the banquet, and shall have the authority to replace them if needed;
• Prepare a budget for the banquet and have it approved by the Executive Committee;
• Send a financial report to the Treasurer within fifteen (15) days after the banquet;
• Oversee the organization and the running of all Clarence sanctioned (approved) tournaments;
• Attend all meetings of the Executive Committee as a voting member.