Executive Details

Rob Stevens
Vice President House League

Email: vpclarence@gmail.com

Roles/Responsibilities 2 Year Term

• Promote good team spirit in competitions between the rival associations of his/her league; 

• Hold one or more meetings before, during, or after the season with the coaches and the managers in collaboration with the Development Coordinator; 

• Appoint the coaches and any other persons needed for the good operation of the teams of his/her league. He/she shall receive the approval for the above persons from the Executive Committee; 

• Shall recommend to the Executive Committee the dismissal of the above persons if need be; 

• Will enforce the rules and procedures according to Hockey Canada, H.E.O., H.E.O. Minor and District 3; 

• Present a list of suspended players at each regular meeting; 

• Submit, once a week, the copies of the official game reports to the Conveners of the District; 

• Notify the Conveners of the District of suspensions within the time recommended by the District; 

• Participate in the selection of the players of House League teams; 

• Attend all meetings of the Executive as a voting member


• In the event that the Association allows the Vice-President to act as a head coach for a team, the potential for a conflict of interest is very real, and must be acknowledged. Where a potential conflict exists, the President must: 

• Declare his/her conflict 

• Withdraw from the room during any discussion of the matter at hand; 

• Not participate in any votes on the matter; 

• Stand down from any responsibilities that he/she would normally have with respect to the issue; 

• Abide by any decision made by the Association in connection with the matter